The Working Group


The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) is the professional organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI). The Working Group on Evaluation of Public Policies and Programs (WGEPPP) is part of INTOSAI in order to meet its strategic objectives of knowledge sharing (Strategic Goal 3).

The Working Group aims to develop the practice of Program and Public Policies Evaluation by SAIs and to provide interested SAIs with information, methodological tools and good practices examples.

The group endeavours: to develop the exchange of good practices in the field of Evaluation; to collect and disseminate information and to promote knowledge sharing among SAIs; to facilitate the planning and conducting of Program Evaluation by SAIs.

The Working Group report (Program Evaluation for SAIs – a Primer) helps to identify the main issues of Evaluation for SAIs such as planning, resources and organisational capacities.

Since its creation in 1992, the WGEPPP has focused on exchanging good practices on program evaluation, collecting and disseminating information and facilitating implementation of evaluations by SAIs.

A major result of this group consisted in the endorsement of the “Guidelines on the Evaluation of Public Policies” by the Incosai XXII of December 2016 classified as Intosai GOV 9400. These guidelines, which aim to identify the main characteristics and methods of the Evaluation of Public Policies, had been submitted to a large consultation within Intosai community and international organizations such as the UN General Secretariat.

On this basis, a new direction for the WGEPPP has been approved at the Incosai and the composition of the group has been reviewed to take into account the new direction. According to “Knowledge sharing” strategic goal, and as stated at the Incosai, the Working Group has organized, (I) technical workshops on the optimal combination of quantitative and qualitative methods in performing evaluations and (II) on concrete cases of evaluation in a specific sectors. These meetings have been set up, as far as possible, in partnership with well-known national and international professional organization evaluators.

Therefore, the objectives of those meetings are to delve deeper into the practice of public policy evaluation. The WGEPPP has vocation to accompany SAIs in practical implementation of evaluation thanks to the exchange of good practices and the sharing of experience. By doing so, the working group and its members are giving meaning to INTOSAI’s motto: “Mutual experience benefits all”.

The French SAI has chaired the WGEPPP for many years. The achievements are numerous and the evaluation of public policies and programmes is more than ever a topical issue and an area of expertise within our SAIs. Since March 2022, the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) leads the WGEPPP. This handover was formalized in Paris at the international conference on the future of Europe in the presence of Mrs Margit Kraker, President of the SAI of Austria and Secretary General of INTOSAI.

Mario Luketic
Secretary General of WGEPPP

Brigitte Christ
Deputy President
Swiss Federal Audit Office

Emmanuel Sangra
Chair of WGEPPP